Monday, September 27, 2010

Hey guys, today I just wanted to get an opinion.  I live in Southern California, and it has been REALLY hot lately, so i was wondering what you guys do to cool down when it's really hot?  I have especially been having trouble with my bi-daily meditation, because it is so uncomfortable to just sit, and it feels like I am baking and losing all my fluids to sweat.  Anyone have any good ways to meditate or just relax and cool down?  Thanks friends!


  1. I usually go for cold drinks but this fills up my bladder and makes it hard to meditate. Perhaps running cold water over your wrists for a few minutes before hand?

  2. I usually fill the bath up with ice cubes and sit in the water with a book.

  3. It's pretty hot where I live to and I find that a swim helps. A pool preferably, but if you have access to the sea or a clean lake it can be nice too.

  4. Get some fla-vor-ice. that's the best stuff ever. You should check out my blof too. I just got it started.
